Mehmet Murat ildan Resmi Web Sitesi

Contemporary Turkish playwright, novelist and thinker Mehmet Murat ildan was born in Elazığ on May 16 in Turkey. Due to his father’s election as a Senator for The Turkish parliament in 1975, he continued his studies in capital Ankara.

In 1982, high school diploma – as a first place winner – was awarded by Ankara Private Yenisehir College.

He spent one year in English Prep School in Ankara (at METU). Then in 1983, he took courses from the Department of Electronics at METU Campus in Gaziantep city as a full-time student.

In 1988, he obtained B.Sc. degree in Economics with “Certificate of Honour” (at METU in Ankara). In the same year, he  obtained a Turkish Government Scholarship by the Ministry of Education for Master and Ph.D. degrees in European Union Economics.

In 1989, he spent 8 months in an Intensive French Course at “Centre Audio-Visuel de Langues Modernes” (CAVILAM) in Vichy – France.

In 1990, he took courses in Money-Finance and Banking as a full-time student at the University of Louis-Pasteur (ULP) in Strasbourg-France. Then, he took advanced courses in English for 6 months, at the Cambridge Centre for Languages in Cambridge – England.

In 1991, he got Master of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Essex in England. The thesis title is: “The Presence of Bubbles in Stock Prices and Stock Market Crashes: Theory, Evidence and Economic Policy.”

In 1994, while doing his Ph.D., he has done his military service in Turkey.

In 1997, he was awarded the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Economics by the University of Essex. The thesis title is: “Private Behaviour and Feedback Economic Policy: Theory and Econometric Evidence from the United Kingdom.”

The writer is married to Neslihan Altunkaya İldan and has a daughter named Bahar Lidya İldan.

His literary career started in 1993 with a poetry book called Bright Candles; it was written in English in England and published in Turkey in 1995. In 1997, a poem from this book was published in the Georgian Blue Poetry Anthology.

Between 1993 – 1998, he did not write anything literary. In 1998, he wrote stories for 6 months.

In 1999, he left his economics profession.

From the year 2000 onwards, he started writing theatre plays; he became a professional writer.

He has published 7 plays and 25 stories. His novels “Antiquary Arago’s Diary,” “Roses underneath Paris” and “The First Sorrows of Young Werther” and his story book “Lovers of Samos Island” have also been published.

Three of his plays Master Moliere is Marrying, Galileo Galilei & Emmanuel Arago’s Diary, have been accepted to the Repertory of Turkish State Theatre. Also, his plays Eyes of Magic, Beggar’s Prophecy and Emmanuel Arago’s Diary have been included in the repertoire of Istanbul City Theatre.

Six of his plays have been translated into English by Yurdanur Salman, a well-known linguist in Istanbul.

His play Eyes of Magic was partly published in the “Absinthe – New European Writing” literary magazine in the USA. His play Master Moliere is Marrying has performed by Antalya State Theatre and Eyes of Magic has performed by Istanbul City Theatre.

In the years 2021-2023, his new books have been published: Japan, The Land of Rising Sun; Observations on Japan and Japanese Society. Aphorisms (Aforizmalar) – the Turkish version-2021. Two new plays Master Moliere is Marrying-2023 & The Alchemist’s Wife (2023).

Writer is a member of “International P.E.N. Association.”

His play “Eyes of Magic” got the “Best Play Award” in Istanbul Kadiköy Municipality National Playwriting Competition” in 2000.

Another play, “Beggar’s Prophecy,” became a finalist in “AQT 2005 Vancouver Canada International Playwriting Competition.”

His story “Housefly” obtained the “Secondary Place Award” in Samim Kocagöz National Story Competition.

His stories Noah’s Ark, Iron Bridge, Pursuit and Endless Race found praiseworthy and published in “ZOKEV Ahmet Naim Çiladir National Story Competition.”

  • Ormanın Hayaletleri, Play, (Ghosts of Forest) 2000.

  • Sakyamuni, Play, 2000.

  • Büyünün Gözleri, Play, (Eyes of Magic) 2000.

  • Galileo Galilei, Play, 2001.

  • Dilencinin Kehaneti, Play, (Beggar’s Prophecy) 2001.

  • Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Play, 2002.

  • William Shakespeare, Play, 2002.

  • Antikacı Arago’nun Günlüğü, Novel, (Antiquary Arago’s Diary) 2005.

  • Paris’in Altındaki Güller, Novel, (Roses underneath Paris) 2006.

  • Sisam Adası Aşıkları, Story, (Lovers of Samos Island) 2006.

  • Genç Werther’in İlk Acıları, Novel, (The First Sorrows of Young Werther) 2007.

  • Japonya – Güneşin Doğduğu Ülke (Japan – The Land of the Rising Sun) 2021.

  • Aforizmalar (Aphorisms – the Turkish version) 2022.

  • The Alchemist’s Wife – 2023.

Türkçe CV

Mehmet Murat İldan 16 Mayıs 1965 yılında Elazığ’da doğdu. İlkokulun 4 yılını Elazığ’da okudu. Babası Hasan İldan’ın 1975 Senato seçimlerinde Senatör seçilmesi nedeniyle eğitimine Ankara’da devam etti.

Ankara Özel Yenişehir Lisesi’ni 1982 yılında birincilikle bitirdi. ODTÜ’de bir yıl İngilizce Hazırlık okudu. 1983 yılında Gaziantep ODTÜ Kampusu Elektrik-Elektronik bölümüne bir yıl devam etti. 1988 yılında Ankara ODTÜ Ekonomi bölümünden şeref belgesiyle lisans derecesini aldı. Aynı yıl Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’nın “Avrupa Birliği” dalında burs kazandı. Bu burs çerçevesinde, 1989 yılında Fransa’nın Vichy şehrinin Cavilam dil okulunda 8 ay yoğun Fransızca kursu görerek DELF diploması aldı.

1990’da Strasbourg’da, Louis-Pasteur Üniversitesi’nde 6 ay “Para-Finans ve Bankacılık” derslerine devam etti. Aynı yıl Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı resmi bursuyla İngiltere’ye gönderildi ve Cambridge’de 6 ay ileri düzeyde İngilizce kurs gördü. 1991’de “Yabancı Borsalarda Hisse Senedi Fiyatlarındaki Spekülatif Kabarcıklar ve Borsa Çöküşleri” üzerine İngiltere’nin Essex Üniversitesi’nden yüksek lisansını aldı. 1994’te doktora eğitimine bir süre ara vererek  Türkiye’de 2 ay askerlik yaptı. 1997’de, Essex Üniversitesi’nde, “İngiliz Ekonomisinin Para ve Maliye alanlarındaki Tepki Fonksiyonları” üzerine teorik ve ekonometrik doktorasını tamamladı.

Yazar, Neslihan Altunkaya İldan ile evlidir ve Bahar Lidya İldan isimli bir kızı vardır.

Yazarlığa ilk adımını “Bright Candles – Parlak Mumlar” isimli 1993’te İngiltere’de yazılmış ve 1995’te Türkiye’de basılmış İngilizce bir şiir kitabıyla attı; bu kitaptan bir şiir 1997’de Kanada’da Georgian Blue Poetry antolojisinde yer aldı.

1993’te başladığı edebi yazılarına 5 yıl ara verdi. 1998’de yeniden edebi çalışmalarına başlayarak 6 ay öyküler yazdı. 1999 yılında iktisat mesleğini bıraktı. 2000 yılından itibaren tiyatro oyunları yazmaya başlayarak profesyonel yazarlığa geçti. Varlık, Çağdaş Türk Dili, Dil Dergisi, E dergisi, Türk Dili dergisi gibi dergilerde 19 öyküsü, sitesinde 60’dan fazla tiyatro üzerine makalesi yayınlandı.

Galileo Galilei, Üstat Moliere Evleniyor ve Emmanuel Arago’nun Günlüğü oyunları Devlet Tiyatroları genel repertuarına alındı. Dilencinin Kehaneti ile Büyünün Gözleri oyunu ve yine Emmanuel Arago’nun Günlüğü oyunu da İstanbul Şehir Tiyatroları repertuarına kabul edildi.

2005 yılından itibaren romanlar yazmaya başladı. Antikacı Arago’nun Günlüğü, Paris’in Altındaki Güller ve Genç Werther’in İlk Acıları isimli romanları ile Sisam Adası Âşıkları isimli öykü kitabı basıldı. Akşam gazetesi kitap ekinin Aralık sayısında 2005 yılının gelecek vaat eden yazarları arasında gösterildi. Büyünün Gözleri İstanbul Şehir Tiyatroları tarafından ve Üstat Moliere Evleniyor oyunu da Antalya Devlet Tiyatrosu tarafından oynandı. 3 aylık Japonya seyahatinden sonra yazdığı “Japonya-Güneşin Doğduğu Ülke” isimli bir kitabı da 2021 yılında basıldı.

Yazar, İngilizce ve Türkçe olarak yazılan ve tamamı kendi sözlerinden oluşan “10 000 Özdeyiş” kitabı üzerinde çalışmaktadır. Bu kitaptan sözler pek çok İngilizce özlü sözler sitesinde ve çok farklı türdeki kitaplarda yayınlanmış ve yurtdışında yaygın olarak farklı dillerde kullanılmaktadır. 2022 Yılında Özlü Sözlerinin birinci bölümü “Aforizmalar” başlığıyla kitap olarak yayınlandı. Üstat Moliere Evleniyor isimli tek perdelik komedisi 2023 yılında yayınlandı ve son olarak da Simyacı’nın Karısı isimli oyunu 2023 yılında yayınlandı. Yazar, Uluslararası P.E.N. Yazarlar üyesidir.

Zonguldak Kültür ve Eğitim Vakfı Ahmet Naim Çıladır Öykü Yarışması’nda 4 öyküsü övgüye değer görülerek 2000 yılında “Ahmet Naim’e Armağan” isimli kitapta yayınlandı. 2000 yılı Samim Kocagöz Öykü Yarışması’nda “Kara Sinek” isimli öyküyle ikincilik ödülü aldı. Aynı yıl Büyünün Gözleri isimli oyunu Kadıköy Belediyesi Ulusal Oyun Yazma Yarışması’nda birincilik ödülü aldı. Bu oyun dilbilimci Yurdanur Salman tarafından İngilizce’ye çevrildi; ABD’de “Absinthe – New European Writing” edebiyat dergisinde kısmen yayınlandı; William Shakespeare, Galileo Galilei, Dilencinin Kehaneti, Emmanuel Arago’nun Günlüğü ve Her Şey Marianne’la Başladı oyunları da Yurdanur Salman tarafından İngilizceye çevrildi. Çevrilmiş oyunlarından Dilencinin Kehaneti, “AQT 2005 Vancouver Kanada Uluslararası Oyun Yazma Yarışması”nda 112 eser arasında ilk 10’a kalarak finalist oldu. Oyunları çeşitli gruplarca sahnelendi.

Üstat Moliere Evleniyor

Antalya Devlet Tiyatrosu, 2015-2016-2017 sezonu.

Pamukkale Üniversitesi Tiyatro Topluluğu, Yönetmen Firuze Kesici, Ahmet Boyar ve Ulviye Akyol, 14 Mart 2018, Hasan Kasapoğlu Kültür Merkezi

Büyünün Gözleri:

İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi Şehir Tiyatroları, Yönetmen: Hülya Karakaş, 2012, İstanbul.

Mavi Salon Gösteri Hizmetleri (Oyun içinde oynanan oyun Büyünün Gözleri isimli oyundan bir bölüm alınarak Ertan Ekmekçi tarafından uyarlandı); 2001, Bursa. 2011 yılında bu oyunun tamamı yine Ertan Ekmekçi tarafından Bursa’da sahnelendi.

Marmara Üniversitesi Tiyatro Topluluğu, Mimi Komedi Oyuncuları, Yönetmen Mustafa Barış Taşkın; Galatasaray Lisesi Tiyatro Günleri. 2005, ODTÜ Bahar Şenlikleri, Ankara; 2005, Ekin Tiyatrosu, Ankara.

Konak Kültür sanat Evi Tiyatrosu, 2005, Bursa.

Kırık Sandalye Tiyatro Topluluğu, Yönetmen Halit Oktay; Pendik Atatürk Kültür Merkezi, 2005,  İstanbul.

Sinop Sanat Tiyatrosu, Yönetmen Erhan Kaya; 2005, Sinop.

4. Sinop Sanat Tiyatrosu Uluslararası Tiyatro Festivali; Gerze Belediye Tiyatrosu, Yönetmen Erhan Kaya; 2012, Gerze.

Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Handan İlyas, İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı bölümü öğrencileri, İngilizce sahneleme, 2005.

Kuşadası Tiyatrol Topluluğu, Yönetmen Barış Dinç, Mayıs 2006, Kuşadası.

Kafkas Üniversitesi Tiyatro Topluluğu, Yönetmen Erdoğan Karaşah,  Akdeniz Üniversitesi 11. Uluslararası Akdeniz Gençlik Şenliği Açılış Oyunu, Mayıs 2008,  Antalya. 7. Üniversiteler Arası Tiyatro Şenliği, 7 Mayıs 2009, İstanbul, Kartal Hasan Ali Yücel Kültür Merkezi. İstanbul 2010 Avrupa Kültür Başkenti Ajansı Türkiye Üniversiteleri Tiyatro Şenliği, 28 Mayıs 2009, Nişantaşı Rüştü Uzel Sahnesi.

Dilencinin Kehaneti:

Bulancak Sanat Tiyatrosu, Yönetmen Cemal Aldıç; 2004, Giresun-Bulancak.

 Davetli Misafirler:

Kuşadası Kütüphane Yaptırma ve Yaşatma Kültür Sanat Derneği Tiyatro Topluluğu, Yönetmen Betül Acar; 2006, Kuşadası.

Çamlıca Eğitim Merkezi Öğrencileri; Mehmet Hakkı Yazıcı, oyun 2007’de Yunanca oynandı.

Bir Makyavelli Hayranı:

Mezopotamya Kültür ve Sanat Derneği Tiyatro grubu; Yönetmen Fırat Kaya, Temmuz 2006, Batman.

Gaziantep Abdulkadir Konukoğlu Anadolu Öğretmen Lisesi, Yönetmen Zarif Mor, 2007, Gaziantep.

Çığlı Köyü Tiyatro Etkinliği; Yönetmen Aziz Demirel ve Gülbahar kayaoğlu, Nisan 2007, Çukurca, Hakkâri.

Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Öğrencileri; yönetmen Abdusselam Yalınkılınç, Nisan 2007, Hendek, Sakarya.

Kozam Tiyatro Topluluğu; Yönetmen Ömer Çevirme, Oyuncular: Veyis Güleş (Deli Rüstem), Orhan Irmak (Sekreter Cahit Bey), Mesut Sular (Muhtar), Suat Çetin (Cemal Bey), Evliya Aykan (Çoban), Bahar Baş (Öğretmen); Mart-Mayıs 2008, Van Devlet Tiyatsosu Sahnesi, Van.



90 thoughts on “Mehmet Murat ildan Resmi Web Sitesi”

  1. Nick Marsden said:

    Hi Mehmet
    Iyi gunner from New Zealand. I love your words. I am in awe of your beautiful quotations!
    I am completing (I hope) a novel about disappearance and I wondered if I could borrow your:
    “Disappear while you are alive! The less you talk about yourself, the less you think about yourself, the journey to disappearance begins! Forget about yourself! Disappear!”
    It fits perfectly with the theme of my story, and I would love it as an opening quote for the novel with your consent.
    Would this be possible?
    Kindest regards,
    Nick Marsden

    Liked by 2 people

  2. maryamu e givens said:

    Mehmet I found your quotes to be beyond inspirational but the quotes make me aware of my many character flaws.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello! Your quotations based on the “street” are very inspiring to me. Would you allow me to use a quote on social media / instagram, as it relates to my artwork? I would be interested to read more, specifically about this topic. Thank you. David Strauzz – Artist / Prague, Czech Republic

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Urs-Peter Stäuble said:

    I just read a statement of you: “wherever there are birds, there is hope”
    If you have time look at page of the Committee against bird slaughter CABS
    what massacre is happening in Libanon to the migratory birds!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi, used one of your quote on my blog with your name and website address. Hope its ok with you.

    Avoid : Herd Mentality

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Dear Sir: I am writing an article for a professional publication (Focus) in the United States. I’d like to use your quote: “Little details have special talents in creating big problems!” My short article is designed to educate the reader about the need to pay attention to details related to their profession. May I use your words? I thank you very much. Bill Judge, Chicago, IL

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hello Mehmet,
    I love your quotes (and I love birds too!) The freedom and wisdom in them reminds me of Rumi. Best wishes with your master work – the Book of Quotes. I look forward to reading it someday.
    Karen in Oregon

    Liked by 1 person

  8. PS I forgot to mention that your words challenge and comfort at the same time. What a lovely paradox.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hey, where can I find your published works in English? I don’t see them on Amazon or other book sites. Am specifically looking for Galileo Galilei and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I have come across a quotation from you that I would like to use in the Pawling Library’s email newsletter. May I have your permission?

    The quotation is:
    “You build a thousand castles, a thousand sanctuaries, you are nothing; you build a library, you are everything!”

    Unfortunately, I don’t see the source listed anywhere I find the quote, but hopefully it actually is yours.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. edgeofmaine2014 said:

    I added your quote “Give me an old house full of memories and I will give you a hundred novels!” as an an epigraph to the chapter “Some Historic Houses” in the book I just published called “Brownfield, Maine- an Illustrated History”
    Cheers, Brad

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Ann Gallagher said:

    Dear Mehmet Murat ildan, I have just discovered your work and would like to learn more. For now, a question – in which work do you write that ‘a good book is a lighthouse…? Would you send me the reference please? Thank you


    Liked by 1 person

  13. Diane Campo said:

    Dear Mr. Ildan: I was inspired by your quote “All the forests of the world need to be given the same name…” to have a dress design accepted in a Wearable Art Show Charity fundraiser in Port Townsend Washington this coming May. The intent is to visually and emotionally capture the essence of your words in the transformation of the dress on stage. I am hoping you will give me permission for the quote to be used in the printed Event program as well as be read during the performance. It would be an honor to be able to use your work in this way as it would add substantially to the audience experience.
    Sincerely Diane Campo

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Desi Natalia said:

    Hi, Mehmet Murat ildan. I like your quotation about forest especially this one “When humanity wins its battle against the forests, this victory will be humanity’s greatest defeat!”

    Your word will remind many people to protect the forest, not to destroy it.

    I want to ask your permission to use this quote on Borneo Nature Foundation (non-profit organisation) post. Your quote is really related to this organisation vision to protect the forest.

    Desi Natalia

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Apara Tiwari said:

    Hello and good afternoon Mehmet Murat ildan.
    I was looking for inspirational quotes recently and found one of yours. It goes like this – “Days of the future are coming towards us like crazy waves! Let us welcome every such wave as precious blessings from the existence!”
    I am writing a book about my students who are placed variously and doing well in life. I have devoted one chapter each for every student whom I have selected for the book. I have collected some quotes for these chapters. One of them is the one I mentioned above. May I use it as inspiration? Thank you
    Good Wishes
    Apara Tiwari

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Hello Mehmet Murat ildan;

    I am an amateur photographer passionate about the art of photography. I would like to assemble a collection of my own photos into a self-publish book. In addition to viewing my photos I would like to take the opportunity to offer the viewer insights on the art of photography. To that end I was hoping to include short quotes on photography/art from amazing artists like yourself as an accompaniment to my photos.

    My current plan is to print some copies so I can share with family and friends.

    In addition, at the back of the book, I plan to include links to further reading about each of the photographers/artists whose quotes I use so the viewer can learn more about photography/art in general and the artist quoted more specifically.

    If it is of interest to you here is a link to my photography website:

    May I have permission to use this quote of yours in my book?

    “what do we feel when we look at a good photograph? we just want to be there, right at the exact moment that photo taken!”

    Thank you,


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Ray, thank you for your message. Yes sure you can use that quote. ı wish you good luck with the book and will visit your rayschneider web site. take good care. Mehmet


      • Dear Mehmet;

        Thank you so much. I also thought you might like to know that some of my fondest travel memories have been in Turkey…Istanbul, Konya, Ankara, Bodrum! Such a beautiful country.

        Be sell, stay safe, Ray

        Liked by 1 person

  17. Sohan Kalirai said:

    Dear Mehmet,
    I have written an orchestral piece during these times and would love to use one of your quotations alongside the title of the work “Soleco” . The quotation is, “Thanks to the night, we long for the day; thanks to the day, we long for the night! The purpose of opposites is to make us long for something! Thanks to the crowds, we long for the solitude; thanks to the solitude, we long for the crowds!” It did inspire me to finish this piece in time and I would so grateful if I could use it.
    Many Thanks,
    Sohan Kalirai

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Dear Mr. Ildan: I loved your quotes about life is short and I’ve included in a collection I created on my website, In which I translate quotes to Spanish since my users mostly come from Latin America, In each of your quotes, I link with your name to this website so people can find more about you, I hope it’s ok.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Karan said:

    Hi Mehmet,
    I hope you are doing great.
    My query is that I tried to find Bright Candles in English but could not so please advise.
    Many wishes & regards!


  20. Kimberly said:

    Hi Mehmet, can I use your quote “Man can work anywhere and under any condition, but working in a very beautiful place under very beautiful conditions will surely create superior things!” for my research paper? May I know the year you made this?
    Thank You!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Hello Mehmet,

    Please may I use your quote, “To discover the depth, leave the surface and to discover the surface, leave the depth! You shall meet wisdom only when you know both the surface and the depth!” at the beginning of my new cozy paranormal mystery novel?
    It is such a perfect match for the message of the book, I believe it would resonate with my readers.

    Best wishes,

    Holly Bell

    Liked by 1 person

  22. MohdAlsehli said:

    Hello Mehmet,
    I like what your words, it’s inspiring and has a nice feeling

    i found this one about the Single tree :

    “A single tree in the middle of nowhere means resistance and victory”

    i like it very much,

    Please may i use it in my Commercial Wall Art design ?

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Hello Mehmet,

    I am seeking your permission to use your quote ‘Wherever there are birds, there is hope’ for a non-fiction memoir our company is publishing.

    Kind Regards,

    Kristy Martin
    Lead Editor
    Ocean Reeve Publishing

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Dear Mr. Mehmet
    Iyi gunner, nasılsın

    I am Sumair from Pakistan. I read an article in Urdu newspaper from journalist Wajahat Masood

    In this he mentioned your quotes about dictators. Also he mention you have written some dramas against oppressive dictators. Is there any video link of you dramas with english subtitles to watch.

    Syed Sumair.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Dear Syed for letting me know about the article. Unfortunately the vidoes are in Turkish. I have some english translated dramas, so I hope they will be printed abroad in the near future. My greetings to brother Pakistan!


  25. Dear Mehmet

    Just to let you know I am planning to use the following quote of yours in our 15/03/2021 weekly ‘5 ‘M’s for Mondays eNewsletter’ that we share with older adults who are motivated to enjoy life more by getting more active, moving more easily and moving mindfully. I hope that’s ok?

    Our theme this week is ‘Balance’.

    This is the quote: “When bored of sitting, move! When bored of moving, sit! Balance your life or there will remain neither moving nor sitting in your life but only falling!”

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts, sentiments and words with the world!

    Do you have a poetry book published in English please?

    Many thanks,
    Suzi (& Micky) Read

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Suzi

      Thanks for your kind messages! Yes sure you can use the quote you mentioned perfectly fine!

      I do have a poetry book in english but it is not in my files unfortunately but if I find the document I will surely send it with email/

      take good care



  26. Dear Mehmet: I am very affected by the way you put things – your use of language. I am writing the 3rd edition of my book, Earth user’s Guide to Permaculture, which will be re-titled as “Earth Restorer’s Guide to Permaculture”. I would love to head two chapters with quotations from you. One chapter is on Disasters – Planning, Endurance and Recovery – and I’d like to use this quotation. “On the one hand, nature enriches our soul with its eternal beauty, on the other hand, it enriches our survival skills with its endless disasters!” You seem to me to be very like Ralph Waldo Emerson with your deep reverence for Nature. You write about So well. Im going to read all your books when I have finished the manuscript. Stay safe and well.
    I’ve been teaching Syrian refugee women in Izmir. It’s a wonderful way to spend my life – teaching refugees permaculture.

    Thanks so much, warmly, in peace

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Rosemary! Thank you for your kind words. you do a nice job, teaching, a bit difficult though! I wish a great success for your book. And of course you can always use my quotes, always welcome! thank you and take care! Mehmet


  27. Hello Mehmet,

    I’m a psychologist writing a book about ways to reduce stress, depression and anxiety. I’d like to open one chapter with your quote, “Wherever there are birds, there is hope.” I’m seeking your permission to use your quote for that purpose.

    Thank you so much for your consideration.

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Dear Mehmet,

    I would like to use one of your wonderful quotes as the title for an article I am writing for Independent School Magazine – “If you are good at building bridges, you will never fall into the abyss!” I will, of course, credit you and encourage readers to read your work.

    Kathy (UK)

    Liked by 1 person

  29. jpeltwisdom said:

    Dear Mehmet, I would like to use your quote, “Leaving a place, a person or a country silently and without any notice is a heroic and a noble way of teaching the importance of your presence to those who ignore your existence” for a book I am writing entitled Leaving: How and Why We Let Go and Move On. Could you also clarify the original book/source? Thank you!


    • sorry, I just saw your message, I know it is a bit late but sure you can use it 🙂 This one is from my web siyes directly, the Turkish version published last year in Turkey: Aphorisms (Aforizmalar) by Mehmet Murat ildan, Siyah-Beyaz Yayınları 2021.


  30. Dear Mehmet, I just used a wonderful quote of yours to describe an instagram image Hope this is ok with you.

    It was this quote ‘When a crow says an intelligent thing, chickens may laugh at it. This is the laughing of the sand castles at the powerful waves!’ which I thought was very appropriate and thoughtful.

    Thanks Leon

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Andrea Roust said:

    Dear Mehmet,
    I’m Andrea and I’m writing from Argentina. Could you please tell me in which book or poem you use the following quote? ““Some bridges are so beautiful that we wish them to be our own home.” Or is it just a quote? I love this quote! Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Hello Mehmet, This request is from Vancouver Island, BC, a ferry ride from Vancouver where I read you won an award. I painted a picture of 2 parrots and I just found your quote, “f you have discovered a truth, tell it first to a parrot! Every new truth needs an insistent repetition.” – Mehmet Murat Ildan I am setting up a Facebook account (I’m 73) and I wanted to post the painting with your quote below it I think on my profile background. Would you be willing to let me use it? And also, I wanted to make sure it is a correct quote. Thank you, looking forward to hearing from you and also exploring your website. Stay well, Patricia

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Patricia! Thank you for your message. Yes, of course you can use the quote and yes the quote “If you have discovered a truth, tell it first to a parrot! Every new truth needs an insistent repetition!” Greetings to Vancouver Island…


  33. Dear Mehmet, I would like to use your quote, “Countries who don’t have brave prosecutors and fearless judges will instead have plenty of thieves, many killers and even stupid dictators.” It is so true and fits perfectly to introduce a chapter in my new book ‘The war on dirty money’, published by Bristol University Press. The publisher says I should find a citation, but this is my first book so I had no idea, they would ask! Do you mind, would you like more information? Best wishes, Tristram Hicks

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Tristram. Thanks for your message. Yes sure you can use my quote, it is from my book Aforizmalar (Aphorisms) 2021 publication by Siyah Beyaz Publishing House. I wish success in your book, it is an important topic, the dirty money!! My best wishes


  34. Kaye Devins said:

    Good day to you Mehmet,

    I just wanted to thank you for the following illuminating and life changing quote:

    ‘When you come across with a problem in your life, do not always try to solve it; make a long jump like a kangaroo and continue your way! Sometimes problems must be leaped over without touching them’

    I was having a difficult time with a certain situation in my life and this quote completely changed my way of thinking and helped me to put the situation in perspective. I also sent the same quote to a friend, who was struggling with grief on Mother’s Day, it shone a light on her very dark day. I just wanted to thank you with all my soul and ask if I could help spread your inspiring words to all that may need them?


    Liked by 1 person

  35. Dear Mehmet, its lovely to read through these exchanges with people here. I found a wonderful quote of yours “When you lose your path, a surge of excitement comes to both your mind and body; your calm shores begin to be beaten by the waves! This vitality created by being lost is a good incentive to get lost!” I wanted to ask permission to use this quote in my book about the beauty of Nature. The Chapter is about the importance of getting lost. Please can you tell me the reference for this quote – where did it first appear? many thanks and warmest wishes Stefan

    Liked by 1 person

  36. Dear Mehmet, I’m truly elated to see all your admirers and inspiring correspondence here. Like many others, I’ve sought you out in hopes of sharing one of your insightful and beautiful quotes in my upcoming book; Wings + Wonder + Water, about the birds of an urban wildlife reserve in Los Angeles. My book is a very high-quality photography book celebrating and supporting urban wildlife. The quote I would love to use is “In nature, everything has a job. The job of the fog is to beautify further the existing beauties.”

    Please let me know if I may have permission to include your quote in the book. It’s featured next to an etherial, mystical photograph of geese afloat in a sea of steam fog. I think you would approve.

    Many thanks in advance,


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Amanda,

      Thank you for your kind message. Yes, you can use my quote of course. You book title is very interesting, Wings + Wonder + Water. I hope Urban wildlife will increase in all over the world. I wish you a success for your upcoming book. Thank you.

      take care.



      • Mehmet,

        I am elated, thank you so much! Your generosity with your wonderful work helps it grace so many that might not otherwise be familiar with it. I absolutely share your thoughts about the “job of the fog”, and I’m so pleased to share your words in my book!

        Best regards,

        Liked by 1 person

  37. My best wishes to you Amanda, thank you 🙂 Mehmet.


  38. Julie Hill said:

    Mehmet I am trying to make contact with you regarding a permission request for television drama. Please can you make contact with me urgently? Thank you.


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